Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Early Victorian Era Fashion Plate - March 1839 Ladies Pocket Magazine

London Fashions and Novelties

London Dinner Dress - Pea green pou de soie robe; corsage cut low, trimmed with a round lappel, and pointed at bottom; short sleeve, terminating in a double bouillon. The skirt is trimmed with two flounces; they are headed with an embroidery in a scroll pattern in gold thread, and lightly edged with gold. A superb gold cordeliere encircles the waist. Pink tulle turban, a small round shape, decorated only with a veil of tulle Grecque tastefully disposed upon it.

London Ball Dress - Tulle robe over a white satin slip; the corsage cut excessively low, and pointed at bottom, is draped round the top in full folds, with a gold brooch in the centre. Short tight sleeves, terminated by a very deep fall a la Venitienne of tulle; it is surmounted by a bouillon, and ornamented with a bunch of crimson grapes with gold foliage, and floating ends of white satin ribbon. The front of the skirt is trimmed en tablier with bouillonnee, each bouillon formed by a bunch of grapes with gold foliage. The hair, disposed a la Madona in front, and in soft bows, from which ringlets issue behind, is ornamented with a gold circlet, and coral intermixed with gold vine leaves.

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